
As a young boy I loved to sketch, when paper was in short supply I would draw on the cardboard backing from the shirt boxes.Every available piece of paper would be put to good use,I would draw cars, motorbikes, animals or whatever came into my mind.

After leaving school, my career went in an opposite direction to art, but my love of creating didn't cease.

Years passed by after learning from "The University of Hard Knocks" the various experiences of life were kept in my memory to be released later.

In 2006 my circumstances changed and art became a passion again, the general public showed their enjoyment and love of my work.Sales have resulted in my work going world wide ,USA,Europe and England

I have found my art is a way of communicating with people of all languages, being the bridge that allows me to relay an experience or in some circumstances a way for a family to portray their history in the form of a painting ,so the family tree is on the wall.

Please contact me to let me know what you think of my art, if you want a commission done be it a family tree or a special present of a loved vehicle.


0409 384 257


Geelong, Victoria, Australia.

Get in touch